and some days you're the hydrant. TAC used to carry a cute pug stamp with that saying on it. Dixie would tell you that today was a hydrant kind of day. First, she was subjected to water torture... a.k.a. a bath. (Just because she smelled all nice and "outdoorsy" and we silly humans didn't appreciate it!) Then, this afternoon she was brushed AND had her ears clean. (She really, really hates getting her ears cleaned and cringes as soon as she sees the bottle.) Here she is waiting (somewhat exasperatedly) for me to take her for a walk. It's just not been her day today!

As for me, I've been trying to do a bit of stamping lately. After a particularly stressful day at summer school, I made these for everyone in the office. I love the saying "Things are bad... Send chocolate". It was definitely a chocolate kind of week!

I bought the cute little diecut boxes from Donna over at Donna has an awesome selection of diecuts and colors and she is a real sweet person to deal with. If you buy from her, tell her that I told you about her.Well, Dixie is now standingt next to me, breathing on my leg and giving me her most pathetic look. I think that's my hint to go.... Have a good week! (And it's a short one. Hooray!!!!)