Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snow and stamps

Well, thanks to Mother Nature, we had 2 snow days Thursday & Friday, which meant I had 2 STAMP days. ;-) My Eclectic Paperie order came Friday. What perfect timing!
I made two cards as well as a set of gift tags. (The gift tag idea came from Rita Kegg's site.)

I also made this card for Split Coast Stampers' Weekly Sketch Challenge:

I hope to make some cards with the Kewpie images I received from Eclectic Paperie. (Kewpies are the mascot of the schoool where I work, so I think I'll get a lot of use from the set.)


Fae said...

Fab cards - love the cupcakes! Who makes the stamps? I've not seen them before.


Courtney said...

How cute! You did a great job on those!

Elaine said...

Hi Lisa~!
I love those cupcake cards!! Just adorable!!!!