Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This week's Sweet Sketch Wednesday challenge is being sponsored by Bugaboo Stamps. Here's the sketch:

Update: Here's my card, better late than never...

Hopefully that was worth the wait. :) I just love this little guy from Bugaboo! He was a lot of fun to color in. The dp is from a paper pack I purchased at the dollar spot at Target several years ago. I don't often use any of this particular pattern but it worked perfectly with the image.


mulberry station said...

Just think...you are ready for one of the other weeks..Isn't that just how it goes sometimes!! I will come back tonight and comment. Have a great day!

Jeannie said...

Absolutely adorable!

Peace & Luv,

Sheri Gilson said...

Awww...what a sweet card!! I love the little doggie and the heart DP is perfect!! Wonderful job with the challenge!!

Stacy said...

Adorable card! I love this sweet puppy image! And as I think we live pretty close to each other it is rainey and yucky here too :(
Hopefully we will see some sun over the weekend!

sweetbloominscraps said...

Lisa-that puppy is so sweet! I was thinking of creating with him too! You did such a fabulous job with him and that paper is perfect with the hearts to match....couldn't have been better! I always love to see what you create!

Do What You Love said...

Such a cute little doggie! ;D Too cute! ;D

KymKreates said...

Lucky I am a late commenter. I would have never knew you were late. I tell you there has been times when I have got out of bed because I forgot to post. Isn't that just silly!!!! Your card is so very sweet. Coloring is fab as always!!! Great job!